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420 Update… Finally.

I’ve been putting this off.. but no more. Here’s my 420 update:
I basically didn’t sleep the night before and stayed up almost all night to start my 420 early. I mean, it does only come once a year… Or twice a day If you’re like me and want two extra reasons to smoke weed everyday. I tried to give my dog a haircut, but gave up halfway through, so she has short hair on top and long hair underneath… fail. Had people in and out of the house all day celebrating with me. Smoked, ate, smoked, smoked, ate, ate, smoked. etc… No, but it was a beautiful day and I had a nice celebration. So, i’m going to shorten the and list everything else to save you the trouble… actually to save ME the trouble.

Munchies of choice:
-Peanut butter cup cookies
-cheese pizza
-tortilla chips with mango salsa
-cinnamon rolls
-Twix ice cream bars
-Mike’s hard strawberry margaritas
-Root beer

TV shows of choice:

Movies of Choice:
-Pineapple Express

Music of choice:
-Bob Marley
-Jack Johnson

Weapons of choice:
-20″ glass bong
-5″ glass pipe
-Trip clear rolling papers(7)

This is always my favorite day of the year… I mean, I still basically do the same thing everyday anyway since I’ve been off work, but it gives me a reason to do nothing other then get high and eat all day.
All in all, I had a pretty good 420.

Inhale the good shit. Exhale the bullshit.

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